Monday, December 8, 2014

Let it Snow

We have seen a recipe for fake snow all over the internet lately, so we decided to gather the Crazy Navy Brats, and try it out.  It was a very simple, if a bit messy, recipe.  The kids had a lot of fun with it.  In fact the smallest ones played with it for hours.  We doubled the recipe, we do have eight kids between us, but it would have been better for us to quadruple it.  Since the recipe floating around would probably only be enough for one, maybe two kids, we'll just list the doubled recipe.

What you need:

4 cups Baking Soda
1 cup Conditioner
Bowl or Baking Dish

That's it!  Really simple.

I got our supplies at the Dollar Tree, and they were out of white conditioner, so we used strawberry.  Smelled great, and didn't alter the color of the snow at all.

Just put all the ingredients into bowl or baking dish.  So easy, we let the kids do it!

Then, let them get in there, and mix well.

It definitely has a snow feel, not as play doh as it looks.
Have fun!
Our kids had a lot of fun with it, and managed to all get along!  Hope yours do to!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Lovely Lady Lumps

Melanie and I represent both halves of the traditional hourglass shape.  Together.  I'm the top half, she's the bottom.  We thought it would be fun to make lists for all the girls that share our pain.


10 Problems Only Girls With Big Boobs Understand

  1. Button down shirts.  Um, no.  Not unless we want them to be three sizes too big (and somehow they still manage to gap), or busting at the buttons.  Seriously, beware of flying buttons.
  2. Sports bras.  I have to put on two or be lucky enough to find one with an underwire, to even think about taming the twins.  Not to mention the fantastically unflattering uniboob.  Speaking of sports bras...
  3. Exercise.  Always dangerous.  Some yoga positions are out, they're just too much in the way.  Jogging makes me pray that my underwire holds out.  Push ups can actually be comical.  I prefer to avoid it as much as possible.
  4. Eating.  It doesn't matter how careful I am, dusting off the chest is a necessary step.  If anything has crumbs, forget about it.  Speaking of crumbs...
  5. Digging things out of your cleavage.  Crumbs, of course.  My dogs' hair, nice. My earring back, so that's where that went.  Is that a lego?  WTF?  Lol
  6. My eyes.  A lot of people don't notice that I have green eyes.
  7. Bras.  Finding bras, especially pretty bras, in my size, is difficult, and expensive. Sigh.  While shopping once with Melanie and her teenage daughter, the teenager pointed to an ugly white, full coverage number, and said, "Wow!  That's HUGE!!"  I went over to said bra, looked at the tag, and sighed.  Yep, too small for me.  I wonder what she'd say if she ever saw one of my bras.
  8. Those cute little backless (therefore braless) shirts. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
  9. Strapless anything.  Danger!  Danger, Will Robinson!  Please strapless bra, don't become a belt.
  10. Demi bras.  I love them.  They're my favorite.  So pretty.  They do such sexy things to breasts.  Not mine.  My cupeth doth runneth over.  And don't even think of bending over!

10 Problems Only Girls With Junk in the Trunk Understand

  1. When shopping for jeans I finally find the perfect pair only to realize I can carry an entire child in the waist with me. 
  2. The low cut craze was designed to give big booty girls the plumbers crack. 
  3. You absolutely cannot order a two piece swim suit. Separates are a must.
  4. Skinny jean instructions: Step 1. insert left leg and tug as far as possible in an upward motion. Step 2. repeat step one with right leg. Step 3. Jump, wiggle, pull and tug. Step 4. Zip and button. Step 5. Grab waist band and pull some more. 
  5. Leggings are great. Until you realize they are stretched over your ass and everyone can see your panties.(same rules apply for yoga pants)
  6. Your ass can and will bump into things and knock them over. Please know this is not your fault.
  7. You have to watch what type of underwear or swim bottoms you are wearing. Either half your butt cheeks are hanging out of your swim suit or every time you bend over your ass eats your pants, dress,skirt or sweats. (same rule applies for yoga pants)
  8. Walking upstairs makes you terribly uncomfortable. Someones face is right in the tush.
  9. Husbands, boyfriend, children and pets all find the butt a handy pillow.
  10. Now matter how much the struggle is real people will always say "I would kill for that ass."

We are constantly saying that If we could take a little from my top, and put it on Melanie, and a little off her bottom, and put it on me, we'd be perfect!  We joke, but ladies, your curves are gorgeous!  Now, go flaunt them!

Monday, November 24, 2014


I saw this commercial in which a father and daughter have differing ideas of what is appropriate attire for school.  Now, your mind probably went to short, tight skirts, and midriff tops, but actually, it was a little girl. She wanted to wear a princess dress, wings, a wand, and a crown.  He wanted her to wear something more...normal.  What would you do in this situation?

I'm a firm believer in allowing my children to express an extent. I have let them put crazy colors in their hair (clip ins or colored gel that washes right out), I let them pick out their own clothes (although I did limit sweats to P.E. days only, after watching dirty sweats walk out the door one too many times), and I let them choose their own "style". I don't force my style on them. As long as their "style" isn't MY opinion of inappropriate. By this, I usually mean too tight, too short, too small, or too dirty (which is usually the reason I have to step in).

My son, Super Kyan, wore Superhero costumes, almost exclusively, from the ages of 2-6.  I'm afraid I started this trend when, at 2, I bought him a pair of Batman pajamas, and a pair of Superman pajamas, with attached capes. He wore them every day. He wore them everywhere. I had no problem with this. No one ever came up to me, and expressed concern about my parenting skills in allowing my child to wear jammies in public. You know there are people like that out there, I have met them, just not for this. I had to repurchase these jammies every time he started to outgrow them.

Then came Halloween. Super Kyan was Spiderman. Now he had a costume to throw into the rotation. Again, I let him. In fact, one birthday, all we bought him were costumes. I now had Superman, Batman, Wolverine, Alien-infected Spiderman, regular Spiderman, and Captain America to accompany me on my errands.

Then came Kindergarten. He couldn't wear the costumes to school. Some silly policy about costumes being distracting or something.  We got around this a little bit by purchasing sweatshirts that zip over the face, in an almost costume. He wasn't allowed to wear the hood in school, but it was something. He would then come straight home, and pick a costume to wear. We had a running joke between us. Everyday, I'd ask, "Who's the Superhero of the day?" He'd then show me whichever Superhero was on his shirt, then that was the costume he'd put on when he got home from school.

Super Kyan is 9 now. He still wears costumes all the time. He has his Ironman costume sweatshirt. He has a Batman backpack with attached hood and utility belt. Superhero shirts still outnumber any other shirts in his closet. He almost never wears his costumes in public anymore. He rarely wears the hood on his Batman backpack. He sometimes takes off the utility belt, and occasionally leaves the backpack home altogether, in favor of a plain black one. When I ask, he replies that he gets picked on. At 9!

Some may say he's growing up, and losing interest, but I know my son. He bought himself a new Superman costume with his Birthday money last year, then wore it the rest of the day, in public. His walls are covered in Superhero posters, and his room is still filled with Superhero toys. He still loves all things Superhero. I try to tell him to ignore the taunts, to not care about anyone else's opinion, but that's easier said than done. So what do you do? I don't want my baby to be picked on, but I don't want him to succumb to pressure, and conform either.

So what did I do? I bought a Superhero shirt with attached cape, and wore public. He's only 9. He has years to conform. I think it is perfectly acceptable to wear what makes you happy. Life is too short to dress or be like everyone else. Enjoy life. Wear a cape, as long as it doesn't prevent you from living a productive life. Maybe one day, he'll open a Superhero theme park, and get to wear costumes to work every day. Or maybe the Superhero posters will come down, and be replaced with cars, or women, or bands. For now, I'm going to enjoy my little Superhero, keep taking him to Comic-Con (in costume), and wear costumes in public. It makes both of us happy, and that's what matters.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Run The World, Girls!

I wouldn't normally consider myself a feminist. I have always been fairly self involved about women's rights. If something was in the news, or on Facebook, showing inequality, I would get dutifully outraged, share, then move on. I have always felt that I should be a strong woman, and rise above the sexism myself for myself. I experienced a lot of sexism in the Navy, and I did everything I could to shoot it down, and prove myself just as good as any man. I've felt that as long as I proved myself equal, I was equal.

I have a daughter now. It's amazing how much everything about you changes the moment you become a mother. Although the way I treated inequality wasn't necessarily wrong, it wasn't enough. I don't think I have made enough change in the world for my daughter. She is amazing! She has had high aspirations for herself since she could talk. She never wanted to be a model, or actress, or anything based on her appearance. She, along with every other double x chromosome, deserve to grow up in a world where they are treated equal to everyone with a y chromosome.

Today while searching for images showing strong and/or powerful girls, to be put on our Facebook page, for International Girls Day, I was bombarded with images of half-naked women. While I, personally, don't have an issue with women showing off their bodies, I wasn't prepared for being unable to find much of anything that shows girls being amazing. Girls ARE amazing! Why was it so hard for me to find proof of this in image form.

I need to do more. Women need to do more. We need to stop tearing each other down. We need to be proud of each other's achievements. Too much stress is put on our clothing. What we wear (or don't) is not what we need to focus on. The focus needs to shift, from our appearance to equality. A woman wearing skimpy clothing deserves just as many rights as a man in a suit. If we stopped criticizing each other, we could team up on the men criticizing us. Let us stop pointing out what WE are doing wrong, and start pointing out what MEN are doing wrong.

Together we can rule the world!

Monday, September 29, 2014

All About That Bass

TCNW in All About That Bass

It all started with a song.  A great song.  A gorgeous "curvy" girl singing about her curves, and loving yourself no matter what society tells you is "beautiful".

Melanie and I pretty much fell in love with the both the song, and the incredibly talented singer immediately.  The message being one we strive to pass on to our own daughters.  We searched YouTube for Meghan Trainor, and not only loved the video (and it's message), but the fact that this bubbly, beautiful, confident woman, also sang a song about something very near and dear to our hearts, Take Care of Our Soldiers.  Could we love her anymore?

It seemed natural that when we decided to embarrass ourselves for the entertainment of our followers, we chose to do a dance to her song.  We hoped to be silly, and give our Facebook fans a laugh.  We also hoped to show our daughters that although we ourselves aren't physically "perfect", we could show them that we didn't care what anyone else thought, and we were confident enough to put ourselves out there.

We have both been the chubby kid  We have both been the skinny, "hot" chick.  We've dealt with bullies, and other awful things that people do to each other both ways.  We are mothers and Navy wives.  We are strong, confident women.  Or so we thought.

We had so much fun putting together, and learning the dance.  We worked hard on it.

Then, we recorded it.

We decided to see what we needed to work on by recording a practice.  This video very nearly ruined the entire project.

I watched that video, and desperately tried to keep the smile on my face in front of Melanie.  I tried to look at it only in the way it was intended, to see what we needed to work on.  Inside, however, I broke.  Here I was doing a silly dance to a song that is all about loving your body, and I felt like a whale.  I went home and cried for two days.  I have disliked my body for a while now.  I have struggled with losing the weight I gained during my first pregnancy for years.  I suffer from Depression.  It causes me to have a serious lack of motivation, no interest in things that I usually enjoy, and a major lack of energy.  All of these things have caused me to be at a weight that is currently the heaviest I've ever been in my life, and I was looking at it all from an outsider's perspective for the first time.

I avoid mirrors and cameras as much as I can.  Starting Two Crazy Navy Wives with Melanie has forced me to put myself out there more.  We make videos and have photo shoots, and as uncomfortable as it makes me, I force myself through them.  I try to pretend that I'm not upset by my appearance.  I feel like the fat, frumpy, person next to an absolutely gorgeous woman.  This blog, Facebook page, and eventual business (not to mention my friendship with Melanie), are worth the uncomfortableness to me.  Watching that video though, was devastating.  I couldn't get past it.  There was no getting around it.  No hiding it.  It was all out there.  I'm fat.  I still can't bear to look at it.  The only things that have kept me from fully sinking into a dark cloud of depression, are my kids, my husband (who thinks I'm hot, and tells me frequently), and Melanie.  I was not going to let myself give up on the video, although I desperately wanted to.

I loved the song the minute I heard it. A song that declared it was okay to to have a booty. A song that said we are on to you, you photo shop fiends. I want my daughter to feel confident, no matter what is on the outside.

Tiffany is right. We put the dance together, had fun and then shot a video to see where we needed work. First, let me say we'd been dancing in comfy clothes, we were sweaty, and our hair a mess.  I saw a woman who had recently stopped nursing, and lost half her breasts, leaving me very pear shaped. I've always had that booty booty. When we do our box reviews and am sitting next to Tiffany I always feel a little less glamorous. She has this amazing way she does her makeup, and a gorgeous face. I feel a little plain Jane.  I will argue with her statement that she is fat, but I will do so privately.  So I learned through this video that I have body issues, and compare myself to other women, which is something I don't want any of my three daughters to ever feel.  It is the next phase in working on me and allowing me to grow. I hope you enjoy the video. We worked hard on it. My teen says its cute and is not at all embarrassed by it. 


We made a promise to our followers, and we made the video.  We hope it entertains them, as it was intended, because it certainly embarrasses us, as intended.  We aren't as happy with our figures as we should be, but we learned a lot about ourselves and each other while making it.  We have decided to start working out together, not because there is anything wrong with our curves, but because it is something we need to do for us.  Not only will exercise make us healthier, but research has proven that exercise helps alleviate the symptoms of Depression and Anxiety, things we both suffer from.  We both hope to one day be as marvelous as Meghan Trainor, and all the other wonderful women out there that are comfortable in their skin, whether they are a size 20, or a size 00.  Women are strong, resilient, amazing creatures, no matter what size they wear. Nothing is sexier than confidence, and we're building ours.

Enjoy the video.
TCNW in All About That Bass

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 11


Tiffany: I'm going to assume this means current music, and not music from the past. Melanie and I have the same taste in music, so we're basically doing a top 20 here. In no particular order...
  1. Love the Way You Lie by Eminem ft Rihanna
  2. Problem by Ariana Grande  (I just love her, so stinkin cute)
  3. Dark Horse by Katy Perry
  4. Counting Stars by One Republic
  5. Somethin' Bad by Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood
  6. Me and My Broken Heart by Rixton (Sounds a bit like Maroon 5)
  7. Monsters by Eminem ft Rihanna
  8. Anything by Maroon 5
  9. Anything by Bruno Mars
  10. Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO


  1. Try by Colbie Caillait (watch the video, it's amazing!)
  2. Word Crimes by Weird Al Yankovic (I'll admit to committing some, most on accident, I swear)
  3. Tacky by Weird Al Yankovic (just too much fun)
  4. Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO (gets me dancing everytime)
  5. I love all Dave Matthews
  6. Fancy by Iggy Azalea (It's just fun to move to, and I sing to Oliver "I'm so cute, and I already know, from the tip of my nose, to my toes)
  7. All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor
  8. I Love It by Icona Pop (it's just fun)
  9. Anything by Eminem
  10. Anything by Justin Timberlake

Blog Challenge Day 10


Tiffany:  Going through old photos, and the memories they brought up, made me sooo thankful that there was no social media when I was a kid.

This is me with my mom as a baby.  Aren't I adorable?

My baby sister and I in matching Christmas dresses.  Aww

My baby brother and I, just horsing around.

Me, my little brother, and my horse Rocketman.  I was in high school.

One of my favorite pics.  This is me and my Rocketman in our rodeo drill team, right before I joined the Navy.  Isn't he just too handsome?
Me and a couple of my Marine friends at "A" School.

Why so serious?

Melanie is currently working on her home remodel, and her entire house is in boxes.  She will post some pictures when the remodel is complete.  You get lots of me instead, lol.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 9


Tiffany's Purse.


What's in my purse?  What isn't in my purse?  I'm one of those women.  I have everything anyone regularly needs in my purse.  I've narrowed down my selection a bit since my kids are older, but it's still bursting at the seams.  For injuries, I have band aids, neosporin, baby wipes (not to mention the well stocked first aid kit I keep in my car).  I have tweezers, nail clippers, nail files.  I have a mirror, gum, lip gloss, chapstick, body spray, and perfume.  I have a lotion, gel, and hairspray.  I have sunglasses, business cards, keys, and rewards cards.  I have my wallet, and a change purse.  I have tylenol, my anxiety meds, and sometimes the various vitamins I take.  I am positive that I've left stuff out, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.  So, if you need a stick of gum or a band aid, I'm the one to hit up.

Melanie's Purse


I have receipts, pills, directions for said pills, membership cards.  I have cute Ipsy bag with cute, travel size makeup for touch ups.  I have keys, bobby pins, tweezers and medicine.  I even have a walkie talkie, so that I can talk to my hubby, when we are spread out at Home Depot (we're doing a remodel on the house).  I also, usually, have access to Tiffany's purse, in case I forget anything.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 8



This is actually a funny time for me to answer this question.  I am a true book lover!  I have a kindle, a library card, and still have a deep affection for the pages of an actual book.  I believe that books can be for education and enlightenment, but mostly, I think books are a great way to lose yourself for a little while.  I get so focused, and stressed on all that I need to do, that I love the escape.  Normally, I am a SciFi/Fantasy book type of reader (I bet everyone is shocked by that).  I almost never read anything too serious, or biographies, however, Amazon suggested I would like a book, and Amazon knows me, so I got it.  I actually just finished it.  The book is called High on Arrival.  It's Mackenzie Phillips' memoir.  I was sucked in, surprisingly.  She has had quite a life.  I had a hard time with how dispassionately she described some of the horrific things that happened to her, and how passionately she described small events, but she does explain why.  Overall, it was worth the read.  Now, back to my SciFi/Fantasy genre, unless Amazon tells me I need to read something else.


I love to read. It is a complete escape for me. I am about to make an admission here. I read trashy, cheap, romances. There I said it. If they have a supernatural bent, all the better. But I also have always loved and will continue to read Steven King, Dean Koontz and Janet Evanovich, but oh will Stephanie just frickin pick already.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 7



This is kinda funny, because I was just talking to my mom about this.  I'm not sure how old I was, but my earliest memory was of a UHaul trailer.  My parents were getting divorced, and my mom had rented a UHaul trailer to pack all our stuff in.  I had no concept of what was going on, or that it was a significant event, all I knew was that trailer was cool.  It had a ramp.  My mom told me that the trailer was for my tricycle.  I rode my tricycle up the ramp, and into the trailer.  That's all I remember.  Not more stuff being loaded into the trailer.  No emotions about the move.  I don't even remember the place we lived in, or the place we moved to.  All I remember is my mom getting a trailer for my tricycle, and that was just cool.


My earliest memory is living with my Nana and Papa. I remeber her giving me a bath and sitting on the front porch where she would put my hair in two pig tails and then sponge curlers.  I remember an impromptu get together where all the aunts and cousins came over and we played out back in our big weeping willow tree. I love being under that tree. It was like the outside world was gone and the shadowy light played through the branches made it a magical place.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 6


7 of the 8 Crazy Navy Brats, 2 years ago.


This is entirely too much of a question.  Something for them to know about what?  We spend 18 years trying to impart as much of our knowledge and wisdom on them as possible, and I still call my mom for advice.  I am probably making the topic to complicated (I do that).  Let's see.  I think above all I want my kids to know that they are loved, and I'm always here for them.  There is nothing that my children could do to make me not love them, and be there for them.  My love for them is unconditional.

They should also know that the world is full of possibilites, and opportunities, but nothing comes easy.  They need to work hard to succeed.  Go to college, always wear clean underwear, eat your vegetables, don't drink, smoke, or do drugs, never stop striving to learn all you can, appreciate the small things in life, never change yourself to fit in, always be you.  I could go on and on, and I do, to them.  I just hope some of it sinks in.  Life experience is the truest teacher, but if they could learn from my mistakes, instead of making too many of their own, that would be amazing.

I have so much to tell them, and share with them, and experience with them. Above all though, I just need them to know just how much I love them, and always will.


I completely agree with what Tiffany said above. I tell my kids I love them, but I have also told them I don't like the behavior they are currently displaying. I let them know that life is full of mistakes and that most are fixable. Some are hard to fix, and some are embarrassing to fix, but you still need to follow through. Life is full of choices, and there are consequences for each choice that is made. Whether good or bad. I want them to to stand up for themselves, and for others, and to know that I will stand in front or behind them know matter what. I am a Mamma bear.

I love each and everyone of them and have accepted that though they are differen,t and  I have a different type of relationship with each one, I love them all and let them know it everyday.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 5


Tiffany's Advice:

Advice is everywhere.  I get great advice from my Mom, my Mother In Law, my hubby, my best friend, my psychiatrist, the Internet, etc.  Even my kids have advice they like to share.  With so much of it out there, it's too difficult to narrow it down to just one piece of advice.  Particularly, when I couldn't even narrow down a topic.  So I'll share a few of my favorites.

"Bullies tear you down to make themselves feel better about themselves." My Mom
It was too difficult to appreciate this bit of advice when I was being bullied, however, I understood that she meant that the bullying wasn't about me.  It didn't stop the hurt, but it did help me to not take their taunts to heart. I may have lost trust in people, but the people that earn my trust now, are worth it.

"Don't worry about what others think.  If you want to bring her to the ER, then you do it." My MIL
I was a terrified new mom.  I couldn't stop panicking about every little thing.  My MIL is a nurse.  Every time my daughter spiked a fever (she did with every tooth, and every shot), I called her.  I practically called her for every bump and bruise.  I brought her in to see her doctor for every one of those fevers, when she touched her ears too much (possible ear infection? No, nothing wrong), when she had too many crusties in her eyes (possible pink eye? No, allergies), anything.  I even called the nurse hotline in the middle of the night one night because she spit up.  She was about ten months old, and had never spit up before.  I was a nut!  I also was sure that the doctors were tired of my worried face.  Oh well, that's what they are there for.  I learned to calm down, but still watch every little thing like a hawk.

Lastly, "Be yourself."  Everywhere
We hear this from everyone and see it everywhere for a reason.  You will never be happy if you try to mold yourself into what you think everyone else wants you to be.  Be yourself, and the people that matter will love you just the way you are.  You are perfect because of everything that makes you you.

Melanie's Advice:

"If you don't have your first cigarette, you'll never miss it."  This advice was given to me by my Nana.  I mean think about that for just a second.  It works for a lot of things that are that are not all that good for you.  Don't do, and you won't have a problem.  Should have listened.  Although I say that about a lot things my Nana said to me.

"Babies are tougher than they look. You have to try pretty hard to hurt them if your not trying to."  This was said to me by a nurse in the hospital watching me struggle to get my newborn into a pair of baby jammers with the snaps going every which way.

"Do not tell another Navy Wife something you wouldn't want her to repeat to your husbands Skipper"  This Gem of wisdom was passed down to me from a 26 year Navy Wife, who happened to be my Mother-In-Law.  Friendships, especially when you are young, can seem so strong one minute, and tear apart the next.  Basically she was telling me to not be open with every new wife I met.  And I stand by that.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 4


Tiffany's Choices:

This one is difficult.  I love blogs.  I love other people sharing their ideas.  It's a fantastic concept.  Even if no one reads your blog, they are so much fun.  If I had to pick only five...

Wellness Mama

This woman is amazing!  She makes the most amazing products for her family, eliminating harmful chemicals.  I found her because of her toothpaste recipe, and have been hooked ever since.  Her blog has helped teach me that I can make my own products for our family.  I spend countless hours researching ingredients for my own products, and aim to be as chemical free as her family.

Single Dad Laughing

This blog is hysterical, touching, interesting, and heartwarming all at the same time.  He has taught me to put myself out there a bit more.  I am a person that spends a lot of time inside my head, and I don't let people in easily.  Reading Single Dad Laughing, the way he puts himself out there, expresses his emotions, has really helped me.  Not to mention how many of his posts are just plain funny.  I never fail to smile when I read his blog.


This is a blog full of my people, lol.  Lots of nerdiness. Superheroes, Comic Cons, gadgets, and giveaways galore.  I love them.  It is wonderful when you find places to gather with your own kind, especially when it's online, when it's nerds/geeks like me!  We do better online than face to face, lol.

One Good Thing by Jillee

There is nothing this woman can't do.  I love her recipes, her DIYs, pretty much everything.  I have tried a few things I learned on her website, and they all worked.  Not to mention how much I save on laundry detergent after finding her recipe.  I altered it a bit (I can't help doing that with everything), but it's almost exactly her recipe, and it works wonderfully.

Collective Inkwell

This is a blog about two of my favorite authors.  They mostly write serials.  Serials are books handed out in episodes, like a TV show.  They always have a WTF ending, that has you begging for the next installment.  I am addicted to their stories.  They are exquisitely written, and extremely unique.  On top of all that, the writers themselves are great guys.  They hold web casts to chat with their fans, they answer questions on their Facebook page, and blog.  They are phenomenal.  I love these guys!

Melanie's Choices:

Thirty Handmade days

This a blog I ran across looking for crock pot meals, and boy, was I not disappointed.  She also blogs about crafts and all kinds of other types of fun stuff.  I follow her on Facebook at 30 days.  Check her out and enjoy!

How Does She

Again I was searching for recipe's.  Okay, okay I really like food.  Plus, there are links at the top of this blog for all sorts of stuff.  When I clicked on beauty, I had all sorts of fun.  Check her out on Facebook on at HowDoesShe.

Little Miss Momma

I don't even know how I can across this blog, but I sure do enjoy it.  At times she is really honest about things that I'm not sure I could be.  At least not yet.  Her photo's are enviable.  She is adorable, and has so many great posts.  She is the first blogger I saw post about a craft weekend.  Where a bunch of women get together at a place, set up like a B&B, craft, shop and eat.  I so want in on one of those.  Find her on Facebook at Little Miss Momma

Team Gleason
So ordinarily, I am not into sports over much.  Steve Gleason used to play for the New Orleans Saints NFL team, and made an amazing blocked punt.  He now has Amyotophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).  You may have heard it called Lou Gehrig's disease.  I lost my grandfather to ALS when I was a child.  I firmly believe Steve has done more for ALS recognition and awareness than anyone I have seen recently.  Check him out on Facebook.

Single Dad Laughing

I too, am a huge fan of Single Dad Laughing. I first read a controversial post of his, and after that I was hooked. He is funny, touching and real. He makes me laugh and think and feel. You can also follow him on Instagram, which is just plain cool.  He also has a Facebook page.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 3


This is a simple question with a complex answer.  Melanie and I have a dream to make and sell crafts. Our process is fairly slow going for numerous reasons.  We both have kids (she has six).  We both held positions for our husbands' command.  We both have (well hidden) Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression.  These things have slowed down our progress a bit.  We love to craft, and have found that doing so helps with our GAD.

Through our positions, her as an Ombudsman, and mine as Family Support Group President, we learned that we loved helping others like us.  We love to explain how we have completed a certain type of craft. We love to play with makeup and beauty products.  We love to share our experiences and advice of being moms, and Navy Wives. We love to help.

We originally intended the blog to just be about crafting and recipes, but quickly learned that our lives are not just cooking and crafting, why should our blog be.  We wanted our blog to represent us.  We sincerely hope that through our blog we are helping.  Whether we are helping you enjoy yourself by creating a fun craft, helping you learn to stretch a grocery budget through creative recipes, help through giving advice, or help just realizing that there are other people out there going through what you are going through, makes it worth it.  That is why we blog.

We really hope that you enjoy reading our blog as much as we enjoy writing it for you.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 2


Melanie and I had talked about starting our own business selling our crafts for a while.  We love to craft, build, decorate, try new recipes, etc.  We decided to start a blog and Facebook page first.  We both are pretty busy, and it took us a while to get going.  Late one night (early morning, who knows), I decided to bite the bullet, and go for it.  I don't sleep well at night, and everything sounds like a fantastic idea around that time.  We had kicked around several different names, and even started a couple of pages with different names, and decided that they were too similar to other businesses.  In the middle of the night (again, everything sounds fantastic in the middle of the night), I decided on Two Crazy Navy Wives.  In the morning, (let's be honest, in the afternoon), I went to Melanie's house to show her what I'd done.  She loved it.  She was as excited as I was, and here we are.  

We wanted it to be both of us, so obviously TWO.  

We consider ourselves CRAZY for numerous reasons.  Some of them we share on the blog, and on our Facebook Page

NAVY WIVES was the most important to us.  We are both extremely proud of our husbands, and their choice to serve.  We support them through hard times and good times, long distances and at home.  We wanted to share our experiences, and knowledge, with other Navy Wives.  We would love to help other Navy Wives through our blog, and Facebook page, and are always available to answer questions, give advice, share experience, or just listen.  Feel free to contact us if you ever need anything.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 1


Next time they'll know better than to use our fabric scissors on paper!

I'm the blonde in the picture.  I'm Tiffany (or Supergirl, I'll answer to both).  I'm a geeky, nerdy, crazy, crafty, country girl from California.  I trained horses, gave riding lessons, and ran horse ranches until I joined the Navy in 1999.  I was an Intelligence Specialist for four years, met my wonderful hubby, then got out to be a Stay At Home Mom to two amazing children, and Navy Wife.  I'm addicted to unfinished crafts.  My house and garage are loaded with them.  When I'm not playing with my kids, playing with my dogs, crafting, playing video games, reading, cooking, or baking,or over at Melanie's house. I am playing around with recipes for my own skin care products.

I'm Melanie or Batgirl. I am a SAHM and have been since 1997. I met my husband before he joined the Navy and we were married in 1997. Since then we have traveled within the United States and have had six kiddo's.  I Love staying home with my kids, crafting and baking. Although I definitely have more idea's than I do time so my unfinished craft and recipe pile is probably equal to Tiffany's for sure. My husband and I are new homeowners and are taking on our first major remodel. I'll be putting some posts together if I ever have time left in any single day.

Melanie and I met when we were both serving positions for our husbands' command.  While making breakfast burritos, we learned we both loved bacon and sparkles, and were attached at the hip ever since.  Our other friends usually think of us as one person.  I don't know how I survived life before I met her.

Aren't our hubbies great sports?  Love those guys!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Give Me a Head With Hair, Long Beautiful Hair

I love the saying, "Youth is wasted on the young."  It gets more accurate, the older I get.  I want to add to it though.  "Good hair is wasted on the young."  Now don't laugh.  It's true.  My daughter, Kayla, has stunning hair.  Hair that others (myself included) would kill for.  It's long, thick, and has the perfect amount of curl to it.  It grows super fast, and is usually down around her waist.  It is perfection, and I'm lucky if I can get her to even brush it.  It spends 90% of time in a hugely ratted mess, tucked behind her ears.  Her daddy has spent most of the last few years threatening to chop it all off, and I have spent countless hours teaching her how to take care of it, and caring for it myself.  She inherited this wonderful mane not from me, but from my sister.  My beautiful size 00 (yes there is a size 00) sister, whom also does absolutely nothing with hers.

This is Kayla, and her gorgeous locks at only six years old.

I get so frustrated with my daughter, but really, what kid realizes the things they will do as an adult to get hair they are even remotely happy with.  Take me for instance.  I have naturally blonde, naturally curly hair.  I found a style that worked for me in Junior High, and wore it that way, almost every day.  All the way through till I chopped it all off for boot camp.  I also died it every color of the rainbow.  In the Navy, I had to constantly have it pulled into a neat bun at the back of my head.  A habit that was hard to break for a few years after I got out.  I continued to bleach, and dye it with regularity though.

These are my curls, right before cutting them all off to join the Navy.

I've always had this love/hate relationship with my hair.  As a young kid, I had no idea that it was naturally curly, and could not understand why, no matter what I did to it, it was a huge frizzy mess.  I blow dried it the second I got out of the shower, and thought that everyone's hair was curly when wet (I swear I really am fairly intelligent).  When I finally realized my hair was curly, in Junior High, I had no idea what to do about it.  Like I said I found a style that worked, and stuck with it forever.  I spent a long time wishing my hair was straight, so that I could just wake up, run a brush through it, and leave.  Instead I had to spend about 30 minutes every morning on my hair alone.  Everywhere I went, people would comment on my hair, and mention how they wished their hair was like mine.  Instead of taking it for the compliment it was, I would smile, say "Take it," and picture how long it took me to deal with.

My curls when wet.

My curls when dry, since using Keratin products.

Now, after years of bleach, dye, heat styling, and just plain age, I would give anything to have that hair, that I hated so much, back.  I have spent so much time trying to get it healthier, that I rarely care what it actually looks like anymore.  I keep thinking of it as being in an in between stage.  I have noticed that the keratin products I was using to help repair it, have also been taking away my curls.  My lovely curls, sigh. The ones I hated so much.  I just want them back, lol.  In the meantime, I'll just keep grumbling at my daughter, that she has no idea how good she has it.  Good hair is so wasted on the young.

Monday, March 31, 2014

March Beauty Subscriptions

Do to extremely annoying technical difficulties, this month's beauty subscriptions are coming to you in a blog post, instead of a video. I apologize for depriving you of our lovely, smiling faces. :) Let me talk about Ipsy first.

We both receive Ipsy, and this month received the exact same things.

Every single Ipsy subscriber received the exact same four items. In the exact same colors. A bit disappointing, not only because of the sameness, but because of the number. Although they are four nice sized samples, we are used to five or six. Let's get into the items we did receive.

First, a bareMinerals lipstick in Get Ready, from their new Moxie line. It's a beautiful berry shade that is smooth and velvety. I love the color and texture. It came with a coupon for a sample of the mascara in the Moxie line, and free shipping for my next order. Bonus!

Verdict:  I love it. I wish it lasted a bit longer, and didn't cost so much, but I love pretty much anything from the bareMinerals line.

Next,  Nicole by O·P·I in On What Grounds? Roughles (pronounced ruffles), textured nail polish. It's a lovely shade of light blue, and a full size bottle.

Verdict:  O·P·I is a great nail polish. I love the color. I'm just not a huge fan of textured polish. I know it's the IT thing right now, just not for me.

Next, a gorgeous eyeshadow quad from Be a Bombshell, in Nora Nora. Two fairly neutral brown shades, a coppery color, and a bright turquoise.  We get samples from Be a Bombshell frequently, and I am never disappointed.

Verdict:  Soft, shimmery, very pigmented, beautiful colors. I love it. Be a Bombshell makes quality products. Don't be afraid of the bright colors. A little bit of the turquoise with the browns looks fantastic. Have fun with them!

Lastly, Flawless Beauty Primer by pixi. In the past, I received a mascara by pixi, that I really liked. I was disappointed to find out that it cost $18. A little pricey for my budget, but if I have a little extra, definitely worth the investment.

Verdict:  The primer is light, smooth, and a bit thinner than most primers. It gives minimal coverage as well, since it is tinted. I love it. It is a really good primer. It gives you a nice glowy finish too. So if you prefer a more matte finish, you will want to use a powder over. I really like it.

Overall verdict:  Although I was a little disappointed about the fewer products, and the fact that everyone received the exact same things, Ipsy was a hit, as usual.