Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 3


This is a simple question with a complex answer.  Melanie and I have a dream to make and sell crafts. Our process is fairly slow going for numerous reasons.  We both have kids (she has six).  We both held positions for our husbands' command.  We both have (well hidden) Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression.  These things have slowed down our progress a bit.  We love to craft, and have found that doing so helps with our GAD.

Through our positions, her as an Ombudsman, and mine as Family Support Group President, we learned that we loved helping others like us.  We love to explain how we have completed a certain type of craft. We love to play with makeup and beauty products.  We love to share our experiences and advice of being moms, and Navy Wives. We love to help.

We originally intended the blog to just be about crafting and recipes, but quickly learned that our lives are not just cooking and crafting, why should our blog be.  We wanted our blog to represent us.  We sincerely hope that through our blog we are helping.  Whether we are helping you enjoy yourself by creating a fun craft, helping you learn to stretch a grocery budget through creative recipes, help through giving advice, or help just realizing that there are other people out there going through what you are going through, makes it worth it.  That is why we blog.

We really hope that you enjoy reading our blog as much as we enjoy writing it for you.

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