Friday, August 15, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 5


Tiffany's Advice:

Advice is everywhere.  I get great advice from my Mom, my Mother In Law, my hubby, my best friend, my psychiatrist, the Internet, etc.  Even my kids have advice they like to share.  With so much of it out there, it's too difficult to narrow it down to just one piece of advice.  Particularly, when I couldn't even narrow down a topic.  So I'll share a few of my favorites.

"Bullies tear you down to make themselves feel better about themselves." My Mom
It was too difficult to appreciate this bit of advice when I was being bullied, however, I understood that she meant that the bullying wasn't about me.  It didn't stop the hurt, but it did help me to not take their taunts to heart. I may have lost trust in people, but the people that earn my trust now, are worth it.

"Don't worry about what others think.  If you want to bring her to the ER, then you do it." My MIL
I was a terrified new mom.  I couldn't stop panicking about every little thing.  My MIL is a nurse.  Every time my daughter spiked a fever (she did with every tooth, and every shot), I called her.  I practically called her for every bump and bruise.  I brought her in to see her doctor for every one of those fevers, when she touched her ears too much (possible ear infection? No, nothing wrong), when she had too many crusties in her eyes (possible pink eye? No, allergies), anything.  I even called the nurse hotline in the middle of the night one night because she spit up.  She was about ten months old, and had never spit up before.  I was a nut!  I also was sure that the doctors were tired of my worried face.  Oh well, that's what they are there for.  I learned to calm down, but still watch every little thing like a hawk.

Lastly, "Be yourself."  Everywhere
We hear this from everyone and see it everywhere for a reason.  You will never be happy if you try to mold yourself into what you think everyone else wants you to be.  Be yourself, and the people that matter will love you just the way you are.  You are perfect because of everything that makes you you.

Melanie's Advice:

"If you don't have your first cigarette, you'll never miss it."  This advice was given to me by my Nana.  I mean think about that for just a second.  It works for a lot of things that are that are not all that good for you.  Don't do, and you won't have a problem.  Should have listened.  Although I say that about a lot things my Nana said to me.

"Babies are tougher than they look. You have to try pretty hard to hurt them if your not trying to."  This was said to me by a nurse in the hospital watching me struggle to get my newborn into a pair of baby jammers with the snaps going every which way.

"Do not tell another Navy Wife something you wouldn't want her to repeat to your husbands Skipper"  This Gem of wisdom was passed down to me from a 26 year Navy Wife, who happened to be my Mother-In-Law.  Friendships, especially when you are young, can seem so strong one minute, and tear apart the next.  Basically she was telling me to not be open with every new wife I met.  And I stand by that.

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