Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blog Challenge Day 7



This is kinda funny, because I was just talking to my mom about this.  I'm not sure how old I was, but my earliest memory was of a UHaul trailer.  My parents were getting divorced, and my mom had rented a UHaul trailer to pack all our stuff in.  I had no concept of what was going on, or that it was a significant event, all I knew was that trailer was cool.  It had a ramp.  My mom told me that the trailer was for my tricycle.  I rode my tricycle up the ramp, and into the trailer.  That's all I remember.  Not more stuff being loaded into the trailer.  No emotions about the move.  I don't even remember the place we lived in, or the place we moved to.  All I remember is my mom getting a trailer for my tricycle, and that was just cool.


My earliest memory is living with my Nana and Papa. I remeber her giving me a bath and sitting on the front porch where she would put my hair in two pig tails and then sponge curlers.  I remember an impromptu get together where all the aunts and cousins came over and we played out back in our big weeping willow tree. I love being under that tree. It was like the outside world was gone and the shadowy light played through the branches made it a magical place.

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