Friday, November 14, 2014

Run The World, Girls!

I wouldn't normally consider myself a feminist. I have always been fairly self involved about women's rights. If something was in the news, or on Facebook, showing inequality, I would get dutifully outraged, share, then move on. I have always felt that I should be a strong woman, and rise above the sexism myself for myself. I experienced a lot of sexism in the Navy, and I did everything I could to shoot it down, and prove myself just as good as any man. I've felt that as long as I proved myself equal, I was equal.

I have a daughter now. It's amazing how much everything about you changes the moment you become a mother. Although the way I treated inequality wasn't necessarily wrong, it wasn't enough. I don't think I have made enough change in the world for my daughter. She is amazing! She has had high aspirations for herself since she could talk. She never wanted to be a model, or actress, or anything based on her appearance. She, along with every other double x chromosome, deserve to grow up in a world where they are treated equal to everyone with a y chromosome.

Today while searching for images showing strong and/or powerful girls, to be put on our Facebook page, for International Girls Day, I was bombarded with images of half-naked women. While I, personally, don't have an issue with women showing off their bodies, I wasn't prepared for being unable to find much of anything that shows girls being amazing. Girls ARE amazing! Why was it so hard for me to find proof of this in image form.

I need to do more. Women need to do more. We need to stop tearing each other down. We need to be proud of each other's achievements. Too much stress is put on our clothing. What we wear (or don't) is not what we need to focus on. The focus needs to shift, from our appearance to equality. A woman wearing skimpy clothing deserves just as many rights as a man in a suit. If we stopped criticizing each other, we could team up on the men criticizing us. Let us stop pointing out what WE are doing wrong, and start pointing out what MEN are doing wrong.

Together we can rule the world!

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