Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Home Again

I feel bad for being a couple days late with our post, but I swear there is a good reason for it.  Something fantastic!  The Two Crazy Navy Wives have gotten our sailors home!  For the past four years, and for a few more months, our husbands have been stationed together, so they've been gone at the same time.  Which means they get home at the same time!

Before this squadron, I had only done ship homecomings before.  They are a huge affair!  You get to watch the aircraft carrier pull in, with all those sailors in their dress uniforms, "manning the rails".  Our last ship deployment, our son was born, so I got to be right up front, and he was one of the first off the ship!  Very exciting.  Our current squadron, doesn't go on a ship, so we have our Homecoming at the squadron's hanger.  Not as exciting, but we are getting our sailors home, so who cares! 

This deployment was delayed several times.  Now this might sound a little mean, but it's very irritating when you get into the "he's leaving" mindset, then they get delayed.  He will be gone the same amount of time, so you just want it to start already, so he can come home already!  Once they finally left, we had no idea when they would return.  This is completely normal.  We're used to it.  It's annoying, but this is the life of a Navy Wife.  When we got word they were coming home, it was fairly little notice.  You should see the Two Crazy Navy Wives, when we have little notice.  Chaos!  So worth it though.  They're home!  I thought you might enjoy some pictures of our families enjoying homecoming.  A new post soon, I swear! (My fingers were not crossed).

Entertainment for the kids, while we wait.

Nice spread!  Huge flag!

Someone spent some time on this.

Melanie waiting in her amazing sweater!

I hate having my picture taken!

My kiddos, Bug and Dancer.  Check out those shoes!

Melanie's fam; Cubby, Lil' Man, Smalls, N-Dog, Mikey, and Kitten.
(Don't you just love our nicknames?)

Our heroes getting off the plane!  Which one is mine?  Which one is mine?

The pink skirt is Dancer launching herself at Daddy!

He's home!  Daddy's home!

That is one big group hug!  We missed you Daddy!

She's Smalls for a reason!  Daddy you look so much better off the computer screen!

Hey Daddy!  Haven't I gotten HUGE!!  And I have teeth!

After the kids, Mel finally gets to give her hero a kiss.

And I get mine!  Although Bug can't help but sneak into the picture, lol.

We're sooo happy to have our families whole again!  Thank you to all of our service members!  You are our heroes!  Home of the Free, Because of the Brave!

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